

RFID – New industry standard

Since Juni 2019, Kobra equips all its concrete block molds with RFID (radio frequency identification) tags – a transmitter/receiver system for the non-contact localisation of objects using radio waves. In combination with the corresponding software the stock of molds in the concrete block plant can be comprehensively managed. At bauma2019 OGS Datenverarbeitung und Systemberatungs GmbH […]

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As of now we inform you regularly about exciting projects, exhibitions, events or job offers. We keep you updated with KOBRA-News on Facebook and Instagram. If there are any questions please contact us, we look forward to hearing from you! Follow us on FACEBOOK! Follow us on INSTAGRAM!

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Public Relations

Rudolf und Ingeborg Braungardt Stiftung spendet an Kindergarten

Der Irfersgrüner Kindergarten kann sich dank einer 15.000-Euro-Spende den lange gehegten Traum eines Naturgartens erfüllen. Möglich macht dies das Engagement einer Stiftung, die Kobra-Gründer Rudolf Braungardt ins Leben gerufen hatte. IRFERSGRÜN — Die Warteliste für eine Aufnahme in das Irfersgrüner „Kinderstübchen“ ist bis weit ins nächste Jahr voll. „Wir haben halt nicht so viel Platz“, […]

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KOBRA Lengenfeld wächst gleich um vier Fertigungshallen

Der Weltmarktführer im Betonstein-Formenbau investiert acht Millionen Euro in seine strategisch angelegte Expansion. Bereits im Januar soll Produktionsstart sein. LENGENFELD —Wer in diesen Tagen am Plohner Kreisel unterwegs ist, wird Augenzeuge einer der größten Firmenerweiterungen weit und breit: Betonstein-Formenbauer Kobra Lengenfeld schafft am Firmensitz im Industriegebiet „Grüner Höhe“ gerade Platz „für die nächsten Formenbauer- Generationen“, […]

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Bauma 2019

Thank you for your visit. The bauma 2019 is the largest exhibition in the world and the premier event of our industry. For us, the KOBRA team, the bauma is always a great experience. We would like to thank our customers and partners for visiting our booth and look forward to continuing our collaboration. Go […]

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Road inauguration

KOBRA expands and remains true to its strategy to produce molds for the concrete block industry centralized at the companies headquarters in Lengenfeld / Germany. Up to 2019, four new production halls should be built for a sustainable extension of the production capacity. In honor of the company founder Rudolf Braungardt and as appreciation of […]

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KOBRA on ICCX Middle East

Even for the second time, KOBRA was presented as Gold Sponsor on the ICCX Middle East, which took place on 25th and 26th of November, 2018 in Sharjah Expo Center in the United Arab Emirates. The event exclusively is focused on concrete technology and manufacture. International companies present their products and services.

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The 12th International Conference on Concrete Block Pavement (ICCBP 2018), on which KOBRA was presented as Gold Sponsor, took place from 16th to 19th of October, 2018 in Soul. The conference is the continuation of a series of successful events in San Francisco, Buenos Aires, Shanghai and Dresden. On the conference, on with innovative technologies […]

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Ideas Competition with HTWK Leipzig

Within only just three days they should develop a concept for innovative concrete block stones. The presentation´s diversity and quality not just surprised us, but particularly impressed us! Many thanks to all participants! In the frame work of our Technology symposium 2017 we have presented selected works in a special exhibition.

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